module GHC.IO.Exception (
BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar(..), blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar,
BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM(..), blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM,
AllocationLimitExceeded(..), allocationLimitExceeded,
cannotCompactFunction, cannotCompactPinned, cannotCompactMutable,
asyncExceptionToException, asyncExceptionFromException,
AsyncException(..), stackOverflow, heapOverflow,
FixIOException (..),
) where
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.List
import GHC.IO
import GHC.Show
import GHC.Read
import GHC.Exception
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types
import GHC.OldList ( intercalate )
import GHC.Stack.CCS
import Foreign.C.Types
import Data.Typeable ( cast )
data BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar = BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar
instance Exception BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar
instance Show BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar where
showsPrec _ BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar = showString "thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation"
blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar :: SomeException
blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar = toException BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar
data BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM = BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM
instance Exception BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM
instance Show BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM where
showsPrec _ BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM = showString "thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction"
blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM :: SomeException
blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM = toException BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM
data Deadlock = Deadlock
instance Exception Deadlock
instance Show Deadlock where
showsPrec _ Deadlock = showString "<<deadlock>>"
data AllocationLimitExceeded = AllocationLimitExceeded
instance Exception AllocationLimitExceeded where
toException = asyncExceptionToException
fromException = asyncExceptionFromException
instance Show AllocationLimitExceeded where
showsPrec _ AllocationLimitExceeded =
showString "allocation limit exceeded"
allocationLimitExceeded :: SomeException
allocationLimitExceeded = toException AllocationLimitExceeded
newtype CompactionFailed = CompactionFailed String
instance Exception CompactionFailed where
instance Show CompactionFailed where
showsPrec _ (CompactionFailed why) =
showString ("compaction failed: " ++ why)
cannotCompactFunction :: SomeException
cannotCompactFunction =
toException (CompactionFailed "cannot compact functions")
cannotCompactPinned :: SomeException
cannotCompactPinned =
toException (CompactionFailed "cannot compact pinned objects")
cannotCompactMutable :: SomeException
cannotCompactMutable =
toException (CompactionFailed "cannot compact mutable objects")
newtype AssertionFailed = AssertionFailed String
instance Exception AssertionFailed
instance Show AssertionFailed where
showsPrec _ (AssertionFailed err) = showString err
data SomeAsyncException = forall e . Exception e => SomeAsyncException e
instance Show SomeAsyncException where
show (SomeAsyncException e) = show e
instance Exception SomeAsyncException
asyncExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
asyncExceptionToException = toException . SomeAsyncException
asyncExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
asyncExceptionFromException x = do
SomeAsyncException a <- fromException x
cast a
data AsyncException
= StackOverflow
| HeapOverflow
| ThreadKilled
| UserInterrupt
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Exception AsyncException where
toException = asyncExceptionToException
fromException = asyncExceptionFromException
data ArrayException
= IndexOutOfBounds String
| UndefinedElement String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Exception ArrayException
stackOverflow, heapOverflow :: SomeException
stackOverflow = toException StackOverflow
heapOverflow = toException HeapOverflow
instance Show AsyncException where
showsPrec _ StackOverflow = showString "stack overflow"
showsPrec _ HeapOverflow = showString "heap overflow"
showsPrec _ ThreadKilled = showString "thread killed"
showsPrec _ UserInterrupt = showString "user interrupt"
instance Show ArrayException where
showsPrec _ (IndexOutOfBounds s)
= showString "array index out of range"
. (if not (null s) then showString ": " . showString s
else id)
showsPrec _ (UndefinedElement s)
= showString "undefined array element"
. (if not (null s) then showString ": " . showString s
else id)
data FixIOException = FixIOException
instance Exception FixIOException
instance Show FixIOException where
showsPrec _ FixIOException = showString "cyclic evaluation in fixIO"
data ExitCode
= ExitSuccess
| ExitFailure Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)
instance Exception ExitCode
ioException :: IOException -> IO a
ioException err = throwIO err
ioError :: IOError -> IO a
ioError = ioException
type IOError = IOException
data IOException
= IOError {
ioe_handle :: Maybe Handle,
ioe_type :: IOErrorType,
ioe_location :: String,
ioe_description :: String,
ioe_errno :: Maybe CInt,
ioe_filename :: Maybe FilePath
instance Exception IOException
instance Eq IOException where
(IOError h1 e1 loc1 str1 en1 fn1) == (IOError h2 e2 loc2 str2 en2 fn2) =
e1==e2 && str1==str2 && h1==h2 && loc1==loc2 && en1==en2 && fn1==fn2
data IOErrorType
= AlreadyExists
| NoSuchThing
| ResourceBusy
| ResourceExhausted
| IllegalOperation
| PermissionDenied
| UserError
| UnsatisfiedConstraints
| SystemError
| ProtocolError
| OtherError
| InvalidArgument
| InappropriateType
| HardwareFault
| UnsupportedOperation
| TimeExpired
| ResourceVanished
| Interrupted
instance Eq IOErrorType where
x == y = isTrue# (getTag x ==# getTag y)
instance Show IOErrorType where
showsPrec _ e =
showString $
case e of
AlreadyExists -> "already exists"
NoSuchThing -> "does not exist"
ResourceBusy -> "resource busy"
ResourceExhausted -> "resource exhausted"
EOF -> "end of file"
IllegalOperation -> "illegal operation"
PermissionDenied -> "permission denied"
UserError -> "user error"
HardwareFault -> "hardware fault"
InappropriateType -> "inappropriate type"
Interrupted -> "interrupted"
InvalidArgument -> "invalid argument"
OtherError -> "failed"
ProtocolError -> "protocol error"
ResourceVanished -> "resource vanished"
SystemError -> "system error"
TimeExpired -> "timeout"
UnsatisfiedConstraints -> "unsatisfied constraints"
UnsupportedOperation -> "unsupported operation"
userError :: String -> IOError
userError str = IOError Nothing UserError "" str Nothing Nothing
instance Show IOException where
showsPrec p (IOError hdl iot loc s _ fn) =
(case fn of
Nothing -> case hdl of
Nothing -> id
Just h -> showsPrec p h . showString ": "
Just name -> showString name . showString ": ") .
(case loc of
"" -> id
_ -> showString loc . showString ": ") .
showsPrec p iot .
(case s of
"" -> id
_ -> showString " (" . showString s . showString ")")
assertError :: (?callStack :: CallStack) => Bool -> a -> a
assertError predicate v
| predicate = lazy v
| otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
ccsStack <- currentCallStack
implicitParamCallStack = prettyCallStackLines ?callStack
ccsCallStack = showCCSStack ccsStack
stack = intercalate "\n" $ implicitParamCallStack ++ ccsCallStack
throwIO (AssertionFailed ("Assertion failed\n" ++ stack))
unsupportedOperation :: IOError
unsupportedOperation =
(IOError Nothing UnsupportedOperation ""
"Operation is not supported" Nothing Nothing)
untangle :: Addr# -> String -> String
untangle coded message
= location
++ ": "
++ message
++ details
++ "\n"
coded_str = unpackCStringUtf8# coded
(location, details)
= case (span not_bar coded_str) of { (loc, rest) ->
case rest of
('|':det) -> (loc, ' ' : det)
_ -> (loc, "")
not_bar c = c /= '|'