{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
#include "MachDeps.h"
module GHC.Float.ConversionUtils ( elimZerosInteger, elimZerosInt# ) where
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Integer
import GHC.IntWord64
default ()
#define TO64 integerToInt64
toByte64# :: Int64# -> Int#
toByte64# i = word2Int# (and# 255## (int2Word# (int64ToInt# i)))
elim64# :: Int64# -> Int# -> (# Integer, Int# #)
elim64# n e =
case zeroCount (toByte64# n) of
t | isTrue# (e <=# t) -> (# int64ToInteger (uncheckedIShiftRA64# n e), 0# #)
| isTrue# (t <# 8#) -> (# int64ToInteger (uncheckedIShiftRA64# n t), e -# t #)
| otherwise -> elim64# (uncheckedIShiftRA64# n 8#) (e -# 8#)
#define TO64 integerToInt
elim64# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Integer, Int# #)
elim64# = elimZerosInt#
{-# INLINE elimZerosInteger #-}
elimZerosInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> (# Integer, Int# #)
elimZerosInteger m e = elim64# (TO64 m) e
elimZerosInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Integer, Int# #)
elimZerosInt# n e =
case zeroCount (toByte# n) of
t | isTrue# (e <=# t) -> (# smallInteger (uncheckedIShiftRA# n e), 0# #)
| isTrue# (t <# 8#) -> (# smallInteger (uncheckedIShiftRA# n t), e -# t #)
| otherwise -> elimZerosInt# (uncheckedIShiftRA# n 8#) (e -# 8#)
{-# INLINE zeroCount #-}
zeroCount :: Int# -> Int#
zeroCount i =
case zeroCountArr of
BA ba -> indexInt8Array# ba i
toByte# :: Int# -> Int#
toByte# i = word2Int# (and# 255## (int2Word# i))
data BA = BA ByteArray#
zeroCountArr :: BA
zeroCountArr =
let mkArr s =
case newByteArray# 256# s of
(# s1, mba #) ->
case writeInt8Array# mba 0# 8# s1 of
s2 ->
let fillA step val idx st
| isTrue# (idx <# 256#) =
case writeInt8Array# mba idx val st of
nx -> fillA step val (idx +# step) nx
| isTrue# (step <# 256#) =
fillA (2# *# step) (val +# 1#) step st
| otherwise = st
in case fillA 2# 0# 1# s2 of
s3 -> case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba s3 of
(# _, ba #) -> ba
in case mkArr realWorld# of
b -> BA b