{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoImplicitPrelude, CApiFFI #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module System.Posix.Internals where
#include "HsBaseConfig.h"
import System.Posix.Types
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Data.Maybe
#if !defined(HTYPE_TCFLAG_T)
import System.IO.Error
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Real
import GHC.IO
import GHC.IO.IOMode
import GHC.IO.Exception
import GHC.IO.Device
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.IO.Encoding (getFileSystemEncoding)
import qualified GHC.Foreign as GHC
puts :: String -> IO ()
puts s = withCAStringLen (s ++ "\n") $ \(p, len) -> do
_ <- c_write 1 (castPtr p) (fromIntegral len)
return ()
data {-# CTYPE "struct flock" #-} CFLock
data {-# CTYPE "struct group" #-} CGroup
data {-# CTYPE "struct lconv" #-} CLconv
data {-# CTYPE "struct passwd" #-} CPasswd
data {-# CTYPE "struct sigaction" #-} CSigaction
data {-# CTYPE "sigset_t" #-} CSigset
data {-# CTYPE "struct stat" #-} CStat
data {-# CTYPE "struct termios" #-} CTermios
data {-# CTYPE "struct tm" #-} CTm
data {-# CTYPE "struct tms" #-} CTms
data {-# CTYPE "struct utimbuf" #-} CUtimbuf
data {-# CTYPE "struct utsname" #-} CUtsname
type FD = CInt
fdFileSize :: FD -> IO Integer
fdFileSize fd =
allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "fileSize" $
c_fstat fd p_stat
c_mode <- st_mode p_stat :: IO CMode
if not (s_isreg c_mode)
then return (-1)
else do
c_size <- st_size p_stat
return (fromIntegral c_size)
fileType :: FilePath -> IO IODeviceType
fileType file =
allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat -> do
withFilePath file $ \p_file -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "fileType" $
c_stat p_file p_stat
statGetType p_stat
fdStat :: FD -> IO (IODeviceType, CDev, CIno)
fdStat fd =
allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "fdType" $
c_fstat fd p_stat
ty <- statGetType p_stat
dev <- st_dev p_stat
ino <- st_ino p_stat
return (ty,dev,ino)
fdType :: FD -> IO IODeviceType
fdType fd = do (ty,_,_) <- fdStat fd; return ty
statGetType :: Ptr CStat -> IO IODeviceType
statGetType p_stat = do
c_mode <- st_mode p_stat :: IO CMode
case () of
_ | s_isdir c_mode -> return Directory
| s_isfifo c_mode || s_issock c_mode || s_ischr c_mode
-> return Stream
| s_isreg c_mode -> return RegularFile
| s_isblk c_mode -> return RawDevice
| otherwise -> ioError ioe_unknownfiletype
ioe_unknownfiletype :: IOException
ioe_unknownfiletype = IOError Nothing UnsupportedOperation "fdType"
"unknown file type"
fdGetMode :: FD -> IO IOMode
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
fdGetMode _ = do
let flags = o_RDWR
fdGetMode fd = do
flags <- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "fdGetMode"
(c_fcntl_read fd const_f_getfl)
wH = (flags .&. o_WRONLY) /= 0
aH = (flags .&. o_APPEND) /= 0
rwH = (flags .&. o_RDWR) /= 0
| wH && aH = AppendMode
| wH = WriteMode
| rwH = ReadWriteMode
| otherwise = ReadMode
return mode
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
withFilePath :: FilePath -> (CWString -> IO a) -> IO a
withFilePath = withCWString
newFilePath :: FilePath -> IO CWString
newFilePath = newCWString
peekFilePath :: CWString -> IO FilePath
peekFilePath = peekCWString
withFilePath :: FilePath -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
newFilePath :: FilePath -> IO CString
peekFilePath :: CString -> IO FilePath
peekFilePathLen :: CStringLen -> IO FilePath
withFilePath fp f = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.withCString enc fp f
newFilePath fp = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.newCString enc fp
peekFilePath fp = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.peekCString enc fp
peekFilePathLen fp = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.peekCStringLen enc fp
#if defined(HTYPE_TCFLAG_T)
setEcho :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setEcho fd on = do
tcSetAttr fd $ \ p_tios -> do
lflag <- c_lflag p_tios :: IO CTcflag
let new_lflag
| on = lflag .|. fromIntegral const_echo
| otherwise = lflag .&. complement (fromIntegral const_echo)
poke_c_lflag p_tios (new_lflag :: CTcflag)
getEcho :: FD -> IO Bool
getEcho fd = do
tcSetAttr fd $ \ p_tios -> do
lflag <- c_lflag p_tios :: IO CTcflag
return ((lflag .&. fromIntegral const_echo) /= 0)
setCooked :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setCooked fd cooked =
tcSetAttr fd $ \ p_tios -> do
lflag <- c_lflag p_tios :: IO CTcflag
let new_lflag | cooked = lflag .|. (fromIntegral const_icanon)
| otherwise = lflag .&. complement (fromIntegral const_icanon)
poke_c_lflag p_tios (new_lflag :: CTcflag)
when (not cooked) $ do
c_cc <- ptr_c_cc p_tios
let vmin = (c_cc `plusPtr` (fromIntegral const_vmin)) :: Ptr Word8
vtime = (c_cc `plusPtr` (fromIntegral const_vtime)) :: Ptr Word8
poke vmin 1
poke vtime 0
tcSetAttr :: FD -> (Ptr CTermios -> IO a) -> IO a
tcSetAttr fd fun = do
allocaBytes sizeof_termios $ \p_tios -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "tcSetAttr"
(c_tcgetattr fd p_tios)
when (fd <= 2) $ do
p <- get_saved_termios fd
when (p == nullPtr) $ do
saved_tios <- mallocBytes sizeof_termios
copyBytes saved_tios p_tios sizeof_termios
set_saved_termios fd saved_tios
allocaBytes sizeof_sigset_t $ \ p_sigset -> do
allocaBytes sizeof_sigset_t $ \ p_old_sigset -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigemptyset" $
c_sigemptyset p_sigset
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigaddset" $
c_sigaddset p_sigset const_sigttou
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigprocmask" $
c_sigprocmask const_sig_block p_sigset p_old_sigset
r <- fun p_tios
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "tcSetAttr" $
c_tcsetattr fd const_tcsanow p_tios
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigprocmask" $
c_sigprocmask const_sig_setmask p_old_sigset nullPtr
return r
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_get_saved_termios"
get_saved_termios :: CInt -> IO (Ptr CTermios)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_set_saved_termios"
set_saved_termios :: CInt -> (Ptr CTermios) -> IO ()
setCooked :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setCooked fd cooked = do
x <- set_console_buffering fd (if cooked then 1 else 0)
if (x /= 0)
then ioError (ioe_unk_error "setCooked" "failed to set buffering")
else return ()
ioe_unk_error :: String -> String -> IOException
ioe_unk_error loc msg
= ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError OtherError loc Nothing Nothing) msg
setEcho :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setEcho fd on = do
x <- set_console_echo fd (if on then 1 else 0)
if (x /= 0)
then ioError (ioe_unk_error "setEcho" "failed to set echoing")
else return ()
getEcho :: FD -> IO Bool
getEcho fd = do
r <- get_console_echo fd
if (r == (-1))
then ioError (ioe_unk_error "getEcho" "failed to get echoing")
else return (r == 1)
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h set_console_buffering__"
set_console_buffering :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h set_console_echo__"
set_console_echo :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h get_console_echo__"
get_console_echo :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h is_console__"
is_console :: CInt -> IO CInt
setNonBlockingFD :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
setNonBlockingFD fd set = do
flags <- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "setNonBlockingFD"
(c_fcntl_read fd const_f_getfl)
let flags' | set = flags .|. o_NONBLOCK
| otherwise = flags .&. complement o_NONBLOCK
when (flags /= flags') $ do
_ <- c_fcntl_write fd const_f_setfl (fromIntegral flags')
return ()
setNonBlockingFD _ _ = return ()
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
setCloseOnExec :: FD -> IO ()
setCloseOnExec fd = do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setCloseOnExec" $
c_fcntl_write fd const_f_setfd const_fd_cloexec
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
type CFilePath = CString
type CFilePath = CWString
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_open"
c_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "HsBase.h __hscore_open"
c_safe_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_fstat"
c_fstat :: CInt -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_lstat"
lstat :: CFilePath -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "unistd.h lseek"
c_lseek :: CInt -> COff -> CInt -> IO COff
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h access"
c_access :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h chmod"
c_chmod :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h close"
c_close :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h creat"
c_creat :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup"
c_dup :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup2"
c_dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h isatty"
c_isatty :: CInt -> IO CInt
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _read"
c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _read"
c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _umask"
c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _write"
c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _write"
c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _pipe"
c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h read"
c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h read"
c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h umask"
c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h write"
c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h write"
c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h pipe"
c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h unlink"
c_unlink :: CString -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h utime"
c_utime :: CString -> Ptr CUtimbuf -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h getpid"
c_getpid :: IO CPid
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_stat"
c_stat :: CFilePath -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_ftruncate"
c_ftruncate :: CInt -> COff -> IO CInt
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h fcntl"
c_fcntl_read :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h fcntl"
c_fcntl_write :: CInt -> CInt -> CLong -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h fcntl"
c_fcntl_lock :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFLock -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h fork"
c_fork :: IO CPid
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h link"
c_link :: CString -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h mkfifo"
c_mkfifo :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigemptyset"
c_sigemptyset :: Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigaddset"
c_sigaddset :: Ptr CSigset -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigprocmask"
c_sigprocmask :: CInt -> Ptr CSigset -> Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h tcgetattr"
c_tcgetattr :: CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h tcsetattr"
c_tcsetattr :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h waitpid"
c_waitpid :: CPid -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> IO CPid
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_rdonly" o_RDONLY :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_wronly" o_WRONLY :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_rdwr" o_RDWR :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_append" o_APPEND :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_creat" o_CREAT :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_excl" o_EXCL :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_trunc" o_TRUNC :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_noctty" o_NOCTTY :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_nonblock" o_NONBLOCK :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_binary" o_BINARY :: CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISREG" c_s_isreg :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISCHR" c_s_ischr :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISBLK" c_s_isblk :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISDIR" c_s_isdir :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISFIFO" c_s_isfifo :: CMode -> CInt
s_isreg :: CMode -> Bool
s_isreg cm = c_s_isreg cm /= 0
s_ischr :: CMode -> Bool
s_ischr cm = c_s_ischr cm /= 0
s_isblk :: CMode -> Bool
s_isblk cm = c_s_isblk cm /= 0
s_isdir :: CMode -> Bool
s_isdir cm = c_s_isdir cm /= 0
s_isfifo :: CMode -> Bool
s_isfifo cm = c_s_isfifo cm /= 0
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sizeof_stat" sizeof_stat :: Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_mtime" st_mtime :: Ptr CStat -> IO CTime
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_size" st_size :: Ptr CStat -> IO Int64
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_size" st_size :: Ptr CStat -> IO COff
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_mode" st_mode :: Ptr CStat -> IO CMode
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_dev" st_dev :: Ptr CStat -> IO CDev
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_ino" st_ino :: Ptr CStat -> IO CIno
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_echo" const_echo :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_tcsanow" const_tcsanow :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_icanon" const_icanon :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_vmin" const_vmin :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_vtime" const_vtime :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sigttou" const_sigttou :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sig_block" const_sig_block :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sig_setmask" const_sig_setmask :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_f_getfl" const_f_getfl :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_f_setfl" const_f_setfl :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_f_setfd" const_f_setfd :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_fd_cloexec" const_fd_cloexec :: CLong
#if defined(HTYPE_TCFLAG_T)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sizeof_termios" sizeof_termios :: Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sizeof_sigset_t" sizeof_sigset_t :: Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_lflag" c_lflag :: Ptr CTermios -> IO CTcflag
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_poke_lflag" poke_c_lflag :: Ptr CTermios -> CTcflag -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_ptr_c_cc" ptr_c_cc :: Ptr CTermios -> IO (Ptr Word8)
s_issock :: CMode -> Bool
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
s_issock cmode = c_s_issock cmode /= 0
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISSOCK" c_s_issock :: CMode -> CInt
s_issock _ = False
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_bufsiz" dEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE :: Int
foreign import capi unsafe "stdio.h value SEEK_CUR" sEEK_CUR :: CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "stdio.h value SEEK_SET" sEEK_SET :: CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "stdio.h value SEEK_END" sEEK_END :: CInt