pagerduty- Client library for PagerDuty Integration and REST APIs.

Safe HaskellNone




Access and manipulate user data for your PagerDuty account. When a user is shown inlined in other resources, a deleted user will have its html_url attribute set to null.



List Users

data ListUsers


ToJSON ListUsers 
HasDatatypeInfo ListUsers 
Generic ListUsers 
QueryLike ListUsers 
Paginate ListUsers 
type Code ListUsers = (:) [*] ((:) * (Maybe Text) ([] *)) ([] [*]) 

listUsers :: Request ListUsers s [User]

List users of your PagerDuty account, optionally filtered by a search query.

GET /users


luQuery :: Lens' (Request ListUsers s b) (Maybe Text)

Filters the result, showing only the users whose names or email addresses match the query.

List On Call Users

listOnCallUsers :: Request ListUsers s [User]

List all the existing escalation policies with currently on-call users.

If the start and end of an on-call object are null, then the user is always on-call for an escalation policy level.

GET /escalation_policies/on_call


Create User

data CreateUser


Eq CreateUser 
Show CreateUser 
ToJSON CreateUser 
FromJSON CreateUser 
QueryLike CreateUser 


Create a new user for your account. An invite email will be sent asking the user to choose a password.

POST /users


cuName :: Lens' (Request CreateUser s b) Text

The name of the user.

cuEmail :: Lens' (Request CreateUser s b) Address

The email of the user. The newly created user will receive an email asking to confirm the subscription.

cuRole :: Lens' (Request CreateUser s b) (Maybe Role)

The user's role.

cuJobTitle :: Lens' (Request CreateUser s b) (Maybe Text)

The job title of the user.

cuTimeZone :: Lens' (Request CreateUser s b) (Maybe TimeZone)

The time zone the user is in. If not specified, the time zone of the account making the API call will be used.

Get User

getUser :: UserId -> Request Empty s User

Get information about an existing user.

GET /users/:id


Get User On Call

getUserOnCall :: UserId -> Request Empty s User

Get a user object with that user's current on-call status. If the on-call object is an empty list, the user is never on-call.

If the start and end of an on-call object are null, then the user is always on-call for an escalation policy level.

GET /users/:id/on_call


Update User

data UpdateUser


Eq UpdateUser 
Show UpdateUser 
ToJSON UpdateUser 
FromJSON UpdateUser 
QueryLike UpdateUser 

uuName :: Lens' (Request UpdateUser s b) (Maybe Text)

The name of the user.

uuEmail :: Lens' (Request UpdateUser s b) (Maybe Address)

The email of the user. The newly created user will receive an email asking to confirm the subscription.

uuRole :: Lens' (Request UpdateUser s b) (Maybe Role)

The user's role.

uuJobTitle :: Lens' (Request UpdateUser s b) (Maybe Text)

The job title of the user.

uuTimeZone :: Lens' (Request UpdateUser s b) (Maybe TimeZone)

The time zone the user is in. If not specified, the time zone of the account making the API call will be used.

Delete User


data PolicyInfo


piName :: Lens' PolicyInfo Text

data OnCall


Eq OnCall 
Show OnCall 
ToJSON OnCall 
FromJSON OnCall 

ocLevel :: Lens' OnCall Int

ocStart :: Lens' OnCall (Maybe Date)

ocEnd :: Lens' OnCall (Maybe Date)

data Role


Eq Role 
Show Role 
ToJSON Role 
FromJSON Role 
Default Role 

class HasUserInfo a where

Minimal complete definition



userInfo :: Lens' a UserInfo

uId :: Lens' a UserId

The id of the user.

uName :: Lens' a Text

The name of the user.

uEmail :: Lens' a Address

The user's email address.

uColor :: Lens' a Text

The color used to represent the user in schedules.

uTimeZone :: Lens' a TimeZone

The user's personal time zone.


data User


Eq User 
Show User 
ToJSON User 
FromJSON User 
HasUserInfo User 

uRole :: Lens' User Role

uAvatarUrl :: Lens' User Text

uUserUrl :: Lens' User Text

uJobTitle :: Lens' User (Maybe Text)